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"Mad World"


V1: The world has gone to battle

we're left to pick up the ashes

There are no more, no more idols

to teach our children what we once knew

Our families are falling to pieces

over monetary disputes

When did we lose our focus

and trade in our dignity and our truth?


V2: The world seems like it's ended

when whores earn more than an honest day's work

Our religion has crushed down upon us

when fathers subjected kids to their abuse

Our schools are scaring teachers

Discipline's been put in the hands of the youth

Don't you remember when

we had rolemodels to look up to?


Refrain: Oooh don't you, ooh don't you?

(Overlay: Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow,

There’s no tomorrow, no tomorrow,

It’s a mad world, it’s a mad world)


V3: The world's become so scattered

we'd rather have diamonds, and pearls over love

And when did gratuitous violence

become a subject we daily discuss?

Our children are growing up too fast

the pressures of beauty are upon us all

Our future's looking uncertain

we need someone to just speak up


Refrain: Oooh speak up, ooooh speak up

(Overlay: Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow,

There’s no tomorrow, no tomorrow,

It’s a mad world, it’s a mad world)


Outro: Tell me, tell me do you like what it is we're doing?

Tell me, tell me don't you see that we're cracking?

Tell me, tell me do you want to keep lying?

Tell me, tell me are you happy with the fact that we're dying?

(Overlay: There’s something wrong with the world today,

I don’t know what it is, I’m living on the edge)



All lyrics written by R. Perry, unless otherwise noted. Not to be reprinted without permission.

Copyright HER Records, SOCAN, SAC 2010.


*Note: Chorus Overlay lyrics homage Gary Jules' cover of Tears for Fears' "Mad World"

(Donnie Darko Soundtrack, Michael Andrews/Everloving, 2002).

Outro Overlay lyrics homage Aerosmith's "Living on the Edge" (Get a Grip, Geffen, 1993)*

The Truth Untold is proudly sponsored by Reverend Guitars & Blackstar Amplification 

All text, graphics and images not to be reprinted without permission.

Promotional Photography: Mystery Man Photography / Ben James

HER Media 2024

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